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We think in PINK! It is such a happy color and brightens the complexion too. Our China Doll lipstain is back! An iconic product in our beauty collection. It has beauty lovers from all over the world! Noreen truly believes that a woman without lipstick is like a day withoust sunshine! It is her mantra. Have you got some sunshine on? Lipstick gives the face an instant face lift!
Women would always ask Noreen how is it that Asian women have porcelain skin and rosy stained lips ? So she went to her beauty lab and created a lipstain and named it China Doll Lipstain. A moisturizing lipstick that stains the lips with a pretty rosy glow. It can be worn by itself or under your favorite lipstick to make them last longer. The more you press when you apply the bolder it will look on your lips. Use sparingly. Play with it. Enjoy!
Want your lipstick to not feather and stay within your lips. Try our invisible LIP LINER totally transparent and fabulous. IT WORKS!
This lipstick is so gorgeous!